Monday, December 9, 2013

CHEM 312 Final Exam

Posted 9-Dec-13
Comment by 13-Dec-13

Issues and topics related to radiochemistry are commonly found in the news.  Recent examples include the nuclear deal with Iran related to proliferation and the missing 60Co source in Mexico.  The material and topics covered in the course should provide you with data and information to discuss these and other news items in more detail.

CNN recently showed Pandora’s Promise, a short movie on nuclear power.  Please review the movie and provide comments on the blog.  Your comments should include you overall opinion, comments on previous blogs posts, and some analysis or evaluation of presented topic matter based on material covered in the course. 

Pandora’s promise can be viewed at

ticket number: radchemfinal

The location to enter the ticket number is under the watch now menu item.

Please let me know if you have any questions.