Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lecture 8: Nuclear Models

This lecture covers nuclear force and nuclear models.  For nuclear force, a description of the strong force, how it is attractive, and how it equally effects neutrons and protons is provided.   Charge independent force in the strong force is described with mirror nuclei.  Information on the shell model is provided, covering how it is developed and the splitting of levels.  Trends in nuclei, magic numbers, and the role of unpaired nucleons are described.  The use of the shell model to determine the spin and parity of odd A and odd-odd nuclei is given.  Examples are provided for a number of nuclei types.  The use of the Nilsson diagram to determine oblate or prolate nuclear deformation is given.  The lecture ends with a description of the Fermi gas model for excited nuclei.


  1. Finish the lecture

  2. finished the lecture. this is a good review for HPS701

  3. Finished the lecture. I never thought there was much to a nucleus until!

  4. Yes, they have more personality than expected.

  5. This was a good lecture. Now that I have a better understanding of how spin and parity are calculated from the shell model I can see trends for stable isotopes in the chart of the nuclides.

  6. Finished the lecture. I understand how to calculate spin and parity even more and a lot better now than I did in P Chem.
