Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fall 2014: CHEM 312 Quiz 2

Assigned: 15 October 2014
1st Answers Due: 24 October 2014
2nd Answers Due 28 October 2014
Quiz 2 office hours: 1400-1530, 24 October 2014, 1st floor HRC

Use the chart of the nuclides, table of the isotopes, and/or data from the web links to answer the following questions. Please feel free to contact me via the blog with questions.

The first set of answers are due 24 October 2014. The answers will be posted. A second set of answers correcting error are due 28 October 2014.


  1. When calculating the values for A and B in the Geiger-Nuttal equation, what two isotopes of plutonium should we use to determine a consistent value? Does it matter?

    1. I used all the values for a linear regression. You can use any two. I would suggest two values that cover the largest range. Values may differ a bit but not substantially. What you chose was fine in your exam.

  2. The answers to quiz 2 can be found at:

  3. I have successfully submitted the quiz. I am sorry again for the delayed submission. For the A and B values for the Geiger-Nuttal equation, I picked 232Pu and 244Pu as the range for my values. Hopefully, my A and B values did not deviate too far from the actual and did not drastically affect calculating the hindrance factor and alpha decays.

    1. thanks for the comment. Your values were very close.

  4. The answer for number 7 on the quiz has odd E and even M, but in the lecture it states that if the transition has the same parity then E is even and M is odd. These conflict with each other, so I was looking for some clarification on determining the multipolarities.

  5. The answer is M3, E4, M5, E6, M7. M3 is the most likely. this is described in the comment section. The key will be updated.

  6. The answers and comments for quiz 2 are posted.
