Thursday, February 11, 2016

Spring 2016: CHEM 312 Lecture 5 Beta Decay

Beta decay is presented in this lecture. The neutrino hypothesis and its relationship with beta decay is discussed. A review of Q value calculations for beta decay is provided. The importance of spin and parity, and how it can be used to assess beta decay, is discussed. Modeling beta decay through the weak force is provided. The impact of Coulomb interactions on positron and electron spectral shape is presented. The use of Kurie plots in understanding beta decay is introduced. Selection rules in beta decay and beta transitions are explained. Calculating logft and its relation to spin and parity are presented. Double beta decay is discussed.


  1. Just finished the lecture and Quiz. I might have missed it in the lecture but what does "h bar" represent in Fermi's Golden Rule? Is it just a constant? I also understand that an electron or positron emits from the nucleus in a range of energies but what is meant by continuous to "a maximum" on slide 3?

    1. h bar is Planck constant divided by 2π. Continuum to a maximum means all energies are found up to the maximum value. Compare this with alpha decay, which is discrete.

  2. Finished the lecture and the quiz and I am happy to say that this one was pretty easy. Usually, there's always one problem on these PDF quizzes I get tripped up on, but not today!

  3. Finished the lecture and quiz. The lecture definitely helped me understand the necessity of the neutrino which I've seen but didn't understand before.

  4. Just submitted the quiz. This was an interesting lecture and I was glad to come out understanding neutrinos a bit better.

  5. Lecture finished and quiz submitted

  6. Finished the quiz. It was good to more in depth and interesting to see the importance of the neutrino.

  7. Finished the lecture and quiz. After learning about Fermi's Golden rule in P-Chem III, I was glad to see it reappear here! It was interesting to learn about how changes in the matrix element lead to forbidden transitions, furthermore how those concepts are related to changes in spin and parity.

  8. Finished the lecture and the quiz sorry for the late blog responses, it's very interesting getting a glance at the different aspects of particle physics/antimatter

  9. Finished the lecture and the quiz sorry for the late blog responses, it's very interesting getting a glance at the different aspects of particle physics/antimatter
