Sunday, February 5, 2017

Spring 2017 CHEM 312: Lecture 5 Beta Decay

Beta decay is presented in this lecture. The neutrino hypothesis and its relationship with beta decay is discussed. A review of Q value calculations for beta decay is provided. The importance of spin and parity, and how it can be used to assess beta decay, is discussed. Modeling beta decay through the weak force is provided. The impact of Coulomb interactions on positron and electron spectral shape is presented. The use of Kurie plots in understanding beta decay is introduced. Selection rules in beta decay and beta transitions are explained. Calculating logft and its relation to spin and parity are presented. Double beta decay is discussed. The lecture time is 47 minutes.  The lecture is assigned 9-Feb-17 and the PDF quiz is due 19-Feb-17.


  1. I just completed and sent you the PDF via email, thank you!

  2. Hi! Just sent my quiz in. Thanks!

  3. On page 15 of the beta decay lecture is a description of Fermi’s Golden Rule. I do not expect one to solve for the decay constant with this equation. However the components of the equation are described. The idea behind the equation is to show that the decay rate is proportional to strength of coupling between initial and final states. This is factored by density of final states available to system. When beta decay is discussed, stronger coupling leads to higher decay probability, a shorter half-life. This stronger coupling is related to spin and parity. Those decays which have stronger spin and parity overlaps have shorter half-life. In the lecture this is related to Fermi or Gamow-Teller alignments.

  4. Question 1 : 4 conditions that are zero charge, small mass, Anti-particle, and Spin of 1/2 and obey Fermi statistics. they are right?

  5. e-mailed you a copy of my quiz and also I tried that submit option from the actual pdf form hoping this method works since I updated my adobe :)

  6. Emailed you an attachment of the quiz.

  7. Quiz 5 has been submitted via email. Thank you!

  8. I completed your lecture and emailed you my quiz as an attachment. Thanks!

  9. I've completed both the lecture and the quiz. Thanks!

  10. I've completed the lecture and sent over the quiz

  11. Just finished lecture 5 and submitted quiz 5.

  12. I have submitted my pdf quiz
