Monday, December 8, 2014

Fall 2014: CHEM 312 Final Exam

Assigned:  8 December 2014                                                    
Due: 12 December 2014

The final is a review of the course and an evaluation of the outcomes and presented topics.  Please respond to the questions and consider how much you have learned about radiochemistry over the semester.  The first question should be submitted as a separate document.  The remaining questions can be submitted as part of the PDF document.

As a reminder the course grade is based on
PDF Quiz at End of Lecture:  15 %
Quiz:  15 % each (60 % total)
Final:  15 %

Participation:  10 % (Blog response)


  1. I have successfully completed and submitted the last test and final exam. I have to say that this course has been very enjoyable and informative. I can't believe that this course is already almost over. It has definitely peaked my interest in this field a lot more. I look forward to taking this knowledge and applying it later in my studies or field. Thanks for a great semester Dr. Czerwinski!

    1. thanks for your comments. I hope you found the course interesting.

  2. Just submitted my final. Thanks for everything Dr. Czerwinski!!

  3. Thanks for the submission, I have them. I also appreciate the comment.

  4. I found the Ted's talk very interesting because it showed how our knowledge that we acquire from a class such as radiochemistry can contribute to saving our environment. I will submit my final soon, I want to add in all my comments. I am glad you gave us the link to look at what we can do with radiochemistry in the work field. More professors should do this! Thank you for the class, I liked it better towards the end when I was able to make more connections between lectures!

  5. thanks for the comment on the job. It is just a way to show that the information is valued by others.

  6. Answers and comments to Quiz 4 posted.

  7. It said in an email that the final exam is due tonight, but we actually have one more day! The final is due Dec. 12th :)

  8. Thank you very much for making this class an enjoyable learning experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed all your lectures.

  9. Both parts of the final need to be submitted if you have not yet done so.
