Thursday, April 28, 2016

Spring 2016: CHEM 312 Lecture 16 In Reactor Chemistry

This lecture describes the chemistry of actinides and fission products in reactors, primarily focusing on phases formed in nuclear fuel. The fission process is reviewed and fuel burnup discussed. Determining fission product and actinide concentration to assess burnup is introduced. The variation of fission product and actinide concentration with burnup and initial fuel composition is provided. Axial and radial distribution of activity, fission products, and actinides is discussed, highlighting the role of neutron flux and energies on the distribution. Conditions necessary for the formation of separate phases in UO2 are shown for perovskite and metallic phases, emphasizing the role of oxygen in the process. The behavior of fission products can be grouped into 4 areas: volatile species, metallic precipitates, oxide precipitates, and solid solutions


  1. So the comment on the last lecture was really for this one..But I've finished both Lecture 16 & 17 and submitted the quiz for both, the separation one being the most recent. Thanks!

  2. Oops, did the same thing as Amber. Went through Lecture 17: Separations and just submitted the quiz.

    1. yes, understood. I erred on getting the blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
