Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spring 2016: CHEM 312 Quiz 3

Assigned: 19-Apr-16
1st Answers: 23-Apr-16
2nd Answers: 27-Apr-16

Use lecture notes, textbooks, Chart of the Nuclides, Table of the Isotopes, and web pages. Use the chart of the nuclides as your primary dataset for isotope half-life. Show your work or references on a separate page and save electronically. Submission of the work is not required for the 1st due date. Please use 3 significant digits for your answers. For scientific notation please use X.XXEX (i.e, 1230 as 1.23E3)

Lecture 8: Nuclear Structure and Models
Lecture 9: Nuclear Reactions
Lecture 10: Radiation Interaction
Lecture 11: Speciation
Lecture 12: Uranium Chemistry
Lecture 13: Neptunium Chemistry


  1. thanks Lena, I received your exam.

    1. Thanks! I did like the pH change / Uranyl question. Had to dust off some cobwebs for that one, and make a spreadsheet. :-)

  2. The answers to Quiz 3 will be posted early on 24-Apr-16. Please post any questions to the blog.

  3. Done with the quiz. The question I have is what is the Z value for a neutron product used to calculate Vc for question 2.1? I reverse calculated a value from an already known Vc which I used but it didn't make much sense to me. Thanks.

    1. We have a two Coulomb barrier calculations. In reality these are estimates. It is for this reason I provide the Coulomb barrier equation in the quiz. You could have used the known value and referenced it.

    2. This makes sense. Also, the answer for question 2.4 calculates Vc only using the denominator of the equation and not the whole equation which equals 5.67 Mev. And if my calculations are good, the Vc for 2.3 for reaction
      208Pb(16O,27Na)197Au should be 78.8 Mev and the threshold is 0 according to the Q value calculator. Thanks.

      One more. How is it that a nuclear industry employee receives less radiation than the average background?

    3. If I had to make a wild guess, the rad worker gets that radiation in addition to the average background and/or medical dose?

    4. *nuclear industry employee, sorry typing is sometimes not my forte

    5. That's good. I thought they keep them locked up in a lead bunker somewhere. ;)

  4. Just finished and submitted the quiz.

  5. Just finished and submitted the quiz.

  6. Good Afternoon. On Q1 232Th -> 140Te + ? The answer says it is 91Sr. Does this spontaneous fission also eject a 1n? Otherwise, I can't get the A values to balance?

    1. should be 92Sr. the Q value change a bit, the Vc not so much. I will correct and repost.
