Thursday, April 20, 2017

Spring 2017 Chem 312 Lecture 17 Separations

A number of different separation methods for radionuclides, with an emphasis on actinides, are presented. Solvent extraction, ion exchange, electrochemical, volatility and ionic liquid methods are discussed. The fundamental concepts are provided with specific examples on the nuclear fuel cycle. Ideas and concepts for advanced separations are given. Details are provided for the different separation routes discussed. The PUREX process is described. Examples are given for TRUEX and TALSPEAK separations. Specific examples for actinide separations are provided. Part 1 is 40 minutes, part 2 is 40 minutes, part 3 is 24 minutes, and part 4 is 30 minutes.

Part 4 is a summation lecture on transuranic separations that are drawn from the Np, Pu, Am, and Cm lectures. Part 4 is meant as a review and provides a compilation of separation methods, the bulk can be skipped, but examples of questions are provided at the end of the lecture and should be reviewed.

The lecture is assigned 20 April 17 and due 30 April 17.


  1. For Question 1.3, use the data to determine the distribution coefficient. From the figure, the distribution coefficient for the different Np oxidation states at 1 M HNO3 can be found. Select the oxidation state that best matches the value from the data.

  2. submitted my quiz

  3. submitted my quiz but now i would like to resubmit after reading your message thank you..phew that was a long one

  4. Reviewed the lecture and submitted my quiz twice. Sorry about that. Thanks.

  5. I completed the quiz and emailed it to you as an attachment. Thanks!

  6. Sent in my quiz, thanks!

  7. Quiz submitted. Thanks!

  8. Hello, I have completed the lecture and submitted my quiz via email. Thank you!

  9. i resubmitted my quiz today can you please check sorry for the multiple e-mails

  10. Submitted the quiz. Thank You.

  11. I have submitted quiz 17

  12. thanks for all the comments and the pdf quizzes

  13. just submitted the quiz.

  14. The quiz has been submitted, thanks!
