Sunday, April 30, 2017

Spring 2017 Chem 312 Lecture 19 Nuclear Forensics

This lecture covers the utilization of radionuclide properties to determine origin, age, used, and other properties of nuclear material. These isotope properties are defined as signatures of nuclear material, and include concentrations, relative amounts, and ratios. Specific details are provided on forensic signatures related to Pu and actinide isotopics. The signatures arising from reactors, separations, and post-detonation are included. For plutonium production these signatures include reactor power, reactor type, time of irradiation, separation method, and time since separation. The signatures include plutonium isotopic mass ratios, plutonium isotopic activity ratios, and transplutonium isotope ratios. Separation signatures include evaluation of Zr, Tc, Ru, and the lanthanides, with examples using Nd isotopics. Alloys of actinide metals as signatures are also presented. The lecture is 35 minutes.  The lecture is assigned 4 May 17 and due 9 May 17


  1. Quiz 18 and 19 are submitted at the same time (1 email). I thoroughly enjoyed this class! Thank you, Dr. Czerwinski.

  2. Submitted my quiz, thanks!

  3. Submitted my last pdf quiz. Sorry I missed your office hours and didn't get to meet you. Hope you have a great summer!

  4. Good evening! I emailed you my PDF Quiz 19. Thank you for a great semester!

  5. thanks for the comments and pdf quizzes!

  6. Hi! Dr. Czerwinski I submitted the last pdf quiz thank you have a good summer break

  7. Submitted the final PDF quiz!

  8. quiz 19 has been submitted
